Getting Started

Jul 3, 2012   //   by krnaveen   //   Help  //  No Comments

This guide will help you to quickly setup Clicky Panel for first time.

After the installation of clicky panel you will see a window similar to this one below,

clicky panel getting started

Now there are to ways to add your site to clicky panel,

(Don’t forget,you can add more than one account and site to your clicky panel.)

  1. Enter your site details manually, (Site Name field may contain any name which is not necessarily a URL)you can find siteID and Sitekey under your site “Preferences” at , or
  2. you just enter your username and password of and press “Get Details” button, then the necessary configuration will be done automatically.
(Site ID and Key are needed to fetch data from your account.)
Once you see something like this with your site name, you are ready to go. Just press “OK” or “Apply” Button.
In the next window select the site name and Time Span and click Start

clicky panel getting started


After closing “Startup” you will see your site data loading in the dashboard.
clicky panel dashboard


Once you are in the Dashboard it is pretty simple,

You can select any site (profile) and Time Span from the left part of the dashboard.

Once you make any changes, the data will be automatically refreshed.
clicky panel dashboard

You can export data by going to “Export” option in the upper part of the dashboard.

In the export window specify the file path which is to be saved, then just hit save.The file will be saved in XLS, XSLX and CSV (Comma Seperated Values) Document, which can be opened in any spread sheet application such as Microsoft Excel.


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